University of Utah - Kahlert School of Computing Mirror Server

Site Mirrored Local HTTP Description HTTP The Apache Project
CentOS HTTPS The Community ENTerprise Operating System (Now located at CHPC)
CPAN HTTP The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
GNU HTTP GNU ftp repository
Postfix HTTP Postfix WWW pages
Postfix HTTP Postfix source code
Putty HTTP A Free Telnet/SSH Client
Slackware HTTP Slackware Linux Distribution
Ubuntu HTTP Ubuntu Linux Distribution Packages
Ubuntu HTTP Ubuntu Linux Distribution Releases
Meta Mirror HTTP Meta List of all mirrored sites
All mirrored sites can also be accessed via rsync as well. Just run rsync for a listing of rsync modules.
NOTICE: Due to increasing security issues with the FTP protocol, the use of FTP has ended on this mirror site as of March 1st, 2025.